Day 195: Sinus woes

Because I’d gone back to bed with a sinus headache yesterday, I woke up early today. I ended up doing some writing-related work that needed to be done, but which I’d been putting off—cleaning up my email inbox, and my computer desktop. However, now that’s done, my brain feels a little less cluttered.

It’s time for lunch now, so I’ll continue my plan to read more and I’ll take a long-ish lunch break in order to read a book. Then I’ll get started on writing work, starting with some writing/editing of The Spinster Spy (just to get some writing prose done) and then continuing my blocking of volume 3.

Using an audiobook during my break yesterday seemed to work well to help me not get distracted by social media or retail procrastination, so I’ll try that again today.


I got some writing/editing and some blocking done, but not very much—around the time my allergy medicine was wearing off, I got another sinus headache, and so I went to bed early again.

Blocking: time spent: 1 hour, 58 minutes (volume 3)

Editing: Time spent: 1 hour, 1 minute (Spinster Spy)

Writing: Time spent: 0 (although I did a lot of writing when editing Spinster Spy, since the original draft had been with dictation)

Writing: Total number of words: 0

Writing: Average speed: 0

Time spent doing other writing-related business: 5 hours, 27 minutes


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