Day 771: 250 day writing streak!

Today marks 250 consecutive days where I’ve written at least 100 words in my manuscript every single day! Doing this streak has been really great for me, because (at least for my personality type) it motivates me to do at least a little work every single day so that I don’t break my streak.

I don’t often only do the bare minimum of 100 words—most of the time I do much more. But even on days when the IBS is especially painful, I know I can do at least 100 words without too much effort, so it’s easy to force myself to sit down at my computer and work on my book. And on days when I’m feeling lazy rather than sick, just a few minutes working usually turns into at least an hour.

I got a late start this morning because of IBS, but I’m done feeling guilty about that—if I’m in pain, I’m in pain. All I can do is do my best to work around it. I ended up getting other stuff done because I was feeling too uncomfortable to do writing, but I was able to do a bunch of Japanese flashcards and some marketing work, so it wasn’t all bad.

I also happened to have a lot of house chores to do today, and things like watering the plants and doing laundry do not care if I have other things I’d prefer to do instead. So I didn’t spend a long time working on my writing today, even though today’s a milestone streak day. :(

Writing streak: 250 days

Regency series:

Editing: Time spent: 12 minutes

Writing: Time spent: 14 minutes

Writing: Total number of words: 126 words

Writing-related business:

Regency research reading: time spent: 15 minutes

Email: time spent: 8 minutes

Marketing: time spent: 45 minutes

My takeaway for today: I’m done feeling guilty if the IBS makes it difficult for me to get work done.


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