Day 641: 120 day Writing Streak!
Today marks 120 consecutive days of writing prose every single day!
Maybe because of my Achievement-based personality, the streak has helped me a lot to force me to work on my novel at least a little every day despite struggling with a chronic illness.
I progress in my manuscript every day, a bare minimum of 100 words and a daily goal of 500 words. The bare minimum is low enough that I could easily do it even on days I’m feeling more sick than normal (I could even do the 100 words on my phone while in bed).
I keep my mind refreshed daily with the story and characters so I don’t forget things and need to waste time re-reading to remember them. I’m much more efficient in my writing time and get more done.
So despite the fact I didn’t think it would work at all, keeping a writing streak has actually helped me a great deal to get stuff done and be more productive.
As has been the case for the past several days, I woke up feeling very sick from the IBS, and had to wait a couple hours for it to die down enough for me to get to work. But it did eventually die down, I just had to be patient after taking medication.
Regency series:
Editing: Time spent: 13 minutes
Writing: Time spent: 1 hour, 16 minutes
Writing: Total number of words: 529 words
Writing streak: 120 days
Blocking: time spent: 1 hour, 32 minutes
Blocking streak: 114 days
Hawaii series:
Outlining: time spent: 55 minutes
My takeaway for today: So far, doing a writing streak with a daily goal of 500 words and bare minimum 100 words seems to work for my personality to help me be productive and efficient.
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