Day 581: 60 day writing streak
Today marks 60 days that I’ve written prose in my book every single day!
Recently I’ve only been writing the bare minimum because I’m try to finish blocking this book (and maybe/hopefully the entire rest of the series) as quickly as possible. Once the book/series is blocked, then I won't get so confused flipping between points in the series timeline when I go from writing in one scene and then blocking another.
I still haven’t come up with a good reward system for reaching streak milestones. I guess if I make it to a year, I’ll give myself permission to spend money on something.
Also, after the 60 day badge, my Japanese grammar website only does badges for 100, 200, and 365 days, but I like having badges more often. It’s more motivating for me. So I think I’ll make a badge for myself for every 30 days. It’s actually pretty easy with
I had high hopes to get a lot of work done today, and I was feeling okay up until I finished my writing for the day. I accidentally ate something that made my IBS flare up (even though I’ve only been eating things that are theoretically supposed to be okay for me to eat!) so I wasn’t able to work as long as I wanted to today. :(
Editing: Time spent: 1 minute
Writing: Time spent: 6 minutes
Writing: Total number of words: 132 words
Writing streak: 60 days
Blocking: time spent: 32 minutes
Blocking streak: 54 days
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