Day 977 - Realized I do need a dictation streak

Yesterday, my IBS bothered me a little, but I was hit hard by a sudden headache (I think it was because of my floor mopping solution, not from the usual culprit, my allergies). So I ended up not even being able to do much marketing since I didn’t want to do much reading and risk making the headache worse.

I admit I procrastinated a bit after lunch, but finally got about 2 hours of work done editing my manuscript.

Today isn’t much better. I don’t have a headache, but my IBS is a bit worse today. I admit I wasted some time looking at my Amazon ads this morning, but I managed to get a bit of other marketing work done, too. I should be able to get back to editing my manuscript after lunch, since I can usually edit even if the IBS is bothering me a little.


Okay, I have to admit, I think I need the dictation streak.

What happened was that I had to pretty much rewrite a scene, so I decided to dictate since the majority would be new writing. But since I missed dictation for 2 days, doing it today was tough. I was slow, my brain just couldn’t seem to get back into the habit of speaking my words.

I don’t really understand why it was so hard, because it’s not as if I don’t type at all. I still do a lot of writing with my keyboard every day.

But skipping 2 days of dictation was like when I don’t exercise for a couple weeks and then try to go running again. It seemed like my brain was heaving and gasping, trying to exert itself.

So I decided to start a dictation streak again. I realized that I really do need to do some dictation every day or else when I next go to try it, my dictation speed will go way down, back to when I started. That’s so inefficient! Especially if I can keep my dictation speed up by just doing 5 minutes of dictation a day.

I haven’t broken my writing streak in 456 days (yay me!) so I haven’t experienced it, but I’m guessing that if I did break it and didn’t write for a few days, when I went back to writing, it would be slow and sluggish and inefficient, as well.

Writing streak: 456 days

Dictation streak: 1 day

My takeaway for today: I need to keep up a daily dictation habit or else my dictation is slow and sluggish the next time I do it.


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