Not quite an ending
Lately I’ve been taking a course on launching your book, and one lesson (and live office hours) discussed blogging. I enjoy blogging, but I fully admit it’s probably just narcissistic of me to like doing a public journal. This blog started off as a means of public accountability, and also a “lab notebook” where I could record my experiments in trying to improve my productivity. It’s been really useful for that, and I’ve learned a lot. I’ve also learned that you can never really stop trying to tweak and improve your productivity, because life always changes and you have to change with it. So essentially I could never stop doing this blog because I’ll always be trying experiments to improve my productivity. But I also have been working on improving other aspects of my life, like learning to work around my IBS and learning to put more thought and intention into my marketing. This blog doesn’t actually take up a lot of my time, but it takes up mental space because I feel bad when I’v...