Day 358: Finished editing

My back is still stiff, but feeling better than yesterday (and much better than it felt this weekend). Because of that, I kind of took my time in doing my writing rituals for clearing the decks. I’ve also put off doing my house chores until later in the day, and I might skip them today depending on how my back feels.

Since I was kind of lallygagging around after I woke up, I ended up taking a little longer to do my Japanese flashcards before starting work. I’m really glad I’ve put my Japanese language study as part of my clearing the decks routines, because otherwise I don’t think I’d have gotten around to getting it done. As it stands, since I started doing it before work, I’ve done it almost every day for nearly two weeks now.

Next I need to develop more of a habit of doing my nonfiction reading on weekends. It’s another vital part of my writing that I haven’t been consistent about.

Yesterday I wanted to try checking my email (just the subject headings and senders’ addresses) at the end of the day before bed, so that I would be able to check in case there was anything urgent during the week. If nothing was urgent, I could put off clearing my inbox on Saturdays. However, yesterday I didn’t get around to checking email. I will try to do it at the end of the day today, though. I put it in my daily schedule/bullet journal to remind me.

Having a detailed daily schedule in my bullet journal probably gives other writers hives, but in the week since I’ve started doing it, I’ve found that it’s a crutch for one of my biggest weaknesses, which is decision making. It takes me SO FREAKIN’ LONG TO MAKE A DECISION. I don’t remember being this way as a kid, but maybe I was almost as bad. I’m pretty sure I’ve gotten worse/longer as I get older.

So having my schedule written out in my electronic bullet journal helps me to know what I need to do next without needing to think about it or make a decision about it. It has helped me to be WAY more efficient with my time. I have found I don’t have long stretches of time where I can’t remember what I did during that time.

Right now, I’m going to get back to reading/light editing book 3 in my Regency series. There isn’t as much editing to do for this book so far as there was for books 1 and 2, so that’s kind of nice.

However, I am feeling a bit insecure that I won’t be able to slip back into the Regency writing style after writing contemporary for 3 months. I’m also anxious that I’ll forget some plot threads I started in these books. I’ll have to re-read my Snowflake step 6 (expanded synopsis) for the other books in the series to make sure I know what threads need to be resolved and when. I worry that’ll take more time before I start work on book 4, but I think it’s necessary.


I finished editing book 3 in my Regency series and even found a couple continuity errors. I compiled the .epub and interior .pdf files and uploaded them to KDP.

Then I started going over the Snowflake step 6 synopses for the rest of the books in the series, and I started taking notes about plot threads so I can be sure they’re tied by by the end of the series.

I ended up working a lot longer than I had expected, probably because I wanted to finish book 3 today, and I had been hopeful that I could also get a lot done on reading the other synopses for the series. I only got through the synopsis for book 4, however. So tomorrow I’ll continue reading through them and taking notes.

When I have re-familiarized myself with the direction the series is going, I’ll work on Snowflake step 8 (scene spreadsheet) and blocking for book 4. Then I’ll be able to start writing, after I figure out what the scenes are going to be.

As for the rest of today, I think I’ll take some time to read or watch Netflix. I haven’t read anything today yet. I’m not feeling as mentally tired as I usually am when writing, which might be because I’m simply reading (and doing light editing) of my books. It’s nowhere near as difficult as writing. But just because I don’t feel as tired, I don’t think I should push myself too much. I’ll get some reading done and relax before going to bed.

Outlining: time spent: 34 minutes

Blocking: time spent: 0

Editing: Time spent: 4 hours, 35 minutes

Writing: Time spent: 0

Writing: Total number of words: n/a

Writing: Overall writing speed: n/a

Time spent doing other writing-related business: 1 hour, 52 minutes


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