Day 850: Dictation, day 40
I made the mistake last night of going to bed too late. I'm still trying to finish the library books that I borrowed which are due in a couple days, so I stayed up too late trying to read. As a result, I got up late this morning. My IBS was feeling better this morning, and I had enough energy to get some exercise done, which made me glad. When my IBS is bad, my exercise usually gets neglected, and that can make my body ache in various places when I’m sitting at my desk for long hours writing. I was going to do my dictation right after my exercise, but I had some time-dependent house chores that needed to be done first. I also ended up doing a few “frogs", so now it's afternoon and it feels like yesterday, where I did my frogs before I started work on the writing. So I completely failed at trying to get the writing done first. Maybe because it's the early afternoon, but I also procrastinated again before starting my writing work. I'm still not entirely sure wh...