Day 824: Taking another marketing day

I wanted to try walking and dictating earlier in the morning again today, but I woke up extra early with bad IBS pain, and the medication only half-worked. There are some days where I have the energy and want to push through the pain in order to get work done, but today wasn’t one of those days. So instead of dictating in the morning, I’ll do my dictation later in the day, whenever the IBS lets up.

Since I couldn’t dictate, I decided to do my cleanup editing, which I’m way behind on anyway. Some of the editing took a really long time yesterday, so I didn’t finish editing all the dictation from Wednesday, and I didn’t do any of the editing of the dictation from yesterday (Friday). It’s not easy doing the editing while I’m feeling sick, but it’s easier than trying to dictate.

I had done marketing and my Hawaii book on Thursday, which turned out to be good since I was behind on my marketing tasks before then, and I’m getting behind on my marketing again now. It seems I have so many marketing tasks to do, I don’t know if I’ll ever catch up!


I had a brilliant idea. It’s been hard for me to have enough time to write on Saturdays since I tend to have more distractions and family obligations, and it’s been hard for me to have time to do an hour of marketing everyday. Right now I’m doing extra hours of marketing on Thursdays, but why not devote all of Saturday to marketing also? Then I don’t need to try to do a little marketing each day and I’ll be able to just write my Regency series on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.

(I also admit that I decided to try this because I spent so much time doing cleanup editing this morning, and now I don’t have much time left to do dictation and the cleanup editing today.)

I also looked over my marketing To Do list and it’s HUGE! I want to try to whittle it down a little more.

If my marketing To Do list gets sparse, then I can go back to writing my Regency on Saturdays, too.

The idea of not doing marketing on MTWF also appeals to me because it reduces the number of “frogs” I have to do on those days. Lately, my writing time has been taking longer than 4 hours on those days—sometimes I dictate for longer than 2 hours, so the cleanup editing time corresponds and takes longer than 2 hours.

Also, I haven’t been counting the transcription time because I try to do other things while it’s going on, but in reality, the transcription has been taking a lot longer because of my old computer. While I can do some of my “frogs” on my iPad while my computer is held up with Dragon running, there are some things I can only do on my computer, so sometimes I’ve been trying to come up with creative ways to get other stuff done while I’m waiting on the transcription.

I’ve been ending up skipping my marketing since I run out of time before bed.

Skipping the marketing entirely won’t really give me more time in the day, but it’ll feel like I have more time since I have one less “frog” to do. I’ll also be able to aim for closer to 5 hours of writing on those days (2.5 hours dictation, 2.5 hours cleanup editing).

So I’m going to use the 2 hours left of my day today to get more marketing done. I feel good about this decision, even though it means I’ll only do the bare minimum of writing on the Regency today. I’ve been a bit worried about all the marketing I haven’t been doing on the days when my writing time goes long, so this will help alleviate my stress.


I ended up doing a lot of marketing today and I feel really good about it. I think that doing 2 days of marketing for now will be really good, but I’ll also have to try to write more on my writing days to make up for the extra marketing day I’m taking.

I’m a bit disappointed I wasn’t able to do at least a few dictation exercises, but I just had too much to do and I never got around to it. I wonder if my dictation isn’t going as well because I’m not doing it everyday? I’ll have to think about that. Hopefully I’ll be able to do a little dictation tomorrow, even though it’s Sunday and I only have to do the bare minimum.

Writing streak: 303 days

My takeaway for today: Try doing marketing 2 days a week, on Thursdays and Saturdays.


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