Day 822: Need to keep on top of marketing

I had yet another bad morning because of my IBS, but once it calmed down in the afternoon (helped by a lavish dosing of medication), I managed to get about 3 hours of marketing done.

I’m really behind on my marketing tasks. I have to stop skipping my daily 1 hour of marketing during my other writing days. It’s piling up so much that I’m going to need to cut short my writing time in order to make sure I keep on top of the marketing.

I feel most sluggish in the morning—partly because I’m still sleepy and I’m not a morning person, but also partly when my IBS is acting up. I usually do my Japanese study first, but what I should do is do some marketing during that time since that’s easiest for me to do when I’m not feeling 100%.

I didn’t do any dictation exercises today, but I managed to write another short chapter in Year of the Dog, the Christian Humorous Romantic Suspense I’m posting chapter-by-chapter as a serial novel on my blog. I’m moving pretty quickly through the manuscript at the moment, but that’s because the majority of the scenes only need a few hundred extra words added. It’ll probably slow down in a few chapters once the suspense element begins to pick up. But for now, I’m enjoying the fact that I’m way ahead of my posting schedule. I’ll need the extra time when I have to start writing entire scenes from scratch later.

It’s not ideal for me to work in a completely different genre one day a week, but I’m finding it’s a lot better than trying to do a little bit every day—having two books in my head was tough.

I’m actually having issues with using my Regency side novel as the prompt for my dictation exercises, since it’s also a second book in my head. But at the very least it’s the same story world, even if it’s different characters, and the language is the same.

However, I’m behind on editing the dictation exercises to see if anything can be used for the side novel. I’ll need to spend some concentrated time editing the side novel tomorrow.

I’d like to try walking and dictating tomorrow morning, but it’ll depend on if my IBS is feeling okay. I’m tempted to simply set a schedule of working on the dictation right after lunch, since most mornings my IBS is worst right after I wake up. It’s usually easiest to just work around my health issues.

But I do want to see how productive I am when working in the morning as opposed to the early afternoon. I looked at my timesheet today and realized that I haven’t actually tried it yet. The earliest I’ve started is around 11 am. I’ll try to get up early tomorrow and start dictating in the morning (assuming my IBS isn’t bothering me). If it is bothering me, then I’ll try dictating in my backyard after lunch, once my IBS calms down. I really can’t put off my dictation to the evening, even if it is more comfortable to walk at that time of the day—I’m just too tired by then.

Writing streak: 301 days

My takeaway for today: Do marketing earlier in my workday since it’s easier to do when I’m not feeling well.

My second takeaway for today: Try doing the walking and dictating earlier in the morning since you haven’t tried that yet.


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