Day 307: I spoke too soon

I didn’t get much done yesterday aside from some blogging. It was partly because I had a lot of home chores to do yesterday that took up several hours, plus I hadn’t slept well because of my IBS, but also because I was unfortunately feeling lazy, and so I only did about 15 minutes of writing before getting distracted and procrastinating.

I don’t know why I’m feeling so unmotivated. I had been so excited to be writing in a new series, so my reluctance to work is bewildering to me. It’s tempting to beat myself up and say I’m simply a lazy person, but I know that’s not (entirely) true, nor is it productive to get into a depressed funk, so I’m trying not to go there.

It could be that yesterday I was still feeling a little off, health-wise, and it was affecting my mental state. I can honestly say that only today do I really feel closer to 100% after several weeks of feeling crappy. I hope that means I can be more productive today than I was yesterday.

Today I’m working on writing The Wedding Kimono. I looked over what I wrote previously and I’m rather dissatisfied with it. It’s just super blah.

I know that most writing books and articles say just to write and fix it later, but quite honestly, since I hate self-editing, I find myself dreading the fact that I’ll need to go back later to fix something I know is wrong. I’d rather fix it before moving on. And in this case, since it’s less than 500 words, I think I’d rather just rewrite the entire thing and figure out another way to start the book.


I didn’t do a sprint, nor was I aiming to just write without editing, I think because this is the first scene and I want to get it right and set the tone for the rest of the book. As a result, I didn’t write very fast, but I’m really happy with how the scene is turning out.


I spoke too soon about feeling better, because I started getting a headache after lunch. :(

Outlining: time spent: 0

Blocking: time spent: 0

Editing: Time spent: 0

Writing: Time spent: 2 hours, 19 minutes

Writing: Total number of words: 744 words

Writing: Average speed (sprints): 367 words/hour

Writing: Overall writing speed: 321 words/hour

Time spent doing other writing-related business: 0

My takeaway for today: Don’t talk about feeling better! ばち!


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