Day 394: Need to do my “frogs” first
I had a lot of difficulty doing my Japanese study yesterday after writing—I seriously almost didn’t do it because I was so tired. So today, I just decided to do it this morning before I started work. I’ve had a good streak going with my Japanese, and I’m a bit scared to break that and revert back to not doing it. I spent a bit longer than I wanted to in studying, but I also didn’t spend as much time yesterday so I made up for the time. I actually feel really good that it’s done. I progressed a lot with my studies and was able to get everything done. Yesterday, when I did my Japanese after my writing, I was so tired that I only put in the bare minimum. Today, I did a little extra and I feel very satisfied with what I did today. In contrast to the “meh” feeling I’ve had the past few days of doing my writing first, it seems to make a big difference to me (at least today) to do my Japanese before my writing rather than afterward. I wanted to experiment for several days more, but cons...