Day 381: Considering how to publish my side novel

Today is another day to try out my reorganized daily schedule. I did two of my “frogs” this morning—chores and my Daily Bible reading (I really shouldn’t call my Bible reading a “frog,” because it’s important and I’m glad I do it, it’s just that it’s one of those things that would slide to the wayside if I didn’t do it first thing in the morning)—and now I’m about to start writing work. Later this afternoon, I’ll do my two other “frogs,” exercise and my Japanese language study.

The whole point of this is so that I can do some work early in the day when I’m mentally the freshest, but quite honestly, I don’t feel very mentally fresh right now. I guess I’ll just have to try it and see. I have two plot problems to solve, so I’ll see how easy or hard they might be for me to concentrate on.


Maybe it’s just because today’s hot and uncomfortable, but I had a hard time focusing when I started work. Or maybe it just naturally takes me a little while to get into the work and really be able focus? Maybe it didn’t have anything to do with the time of day at all?

I don’t know the answers to any of that, but I wasn’t able to focus when I was working first thing this morning. However, I’ll still try to continue to try this schedule a few more times.

I did manage to exercise and do my Japanese study without problems, but then again I had been rather unfocused during my work just before, so it was easy to switch mindset.

However, I’m starting to think that my brilliant idea of batching my writing during the weekdays and my reading during the weekends was rather stupid. I’m starting to feel antsy and creatively drained because I’ve only done about 30 minutes of reading each day this week, on average. Today I’m feeling particularly unfocused—maybe that’s why I had difficulty concentrating this morning?


I finally figured out how to fix the plot issues I found in the side novel, so now I can move on to working on book 4 in my series. I also do still have a couple plot issues there, but they’re relatively minor.

In finishing working on my side novel, it got me thinking about what exactly I want to do with it. Originally, the side novel was intended to be a serial novel posted on my blog while I was writing the main series, as a way of marketing the series. However, if I do that, then I can’t put the book in Kindle Unlimited, since they require the book not to be published on any other platform.

The problem is that I have the main series in Kindle Unlimited now, and if the side novel is NOT in KU, that’ll prevent my main series readers from reading the side novel, because they’ve been used to reading for free on KU all this time. I also get a nice percentage of my royalties from KU, and I’m reluctant to lose out on that.

Also, in thinking about the storyline of the side novel, it’s essentially an entirely different storyline, although the timeline parallels the main series, and a few small incidents from the main series impact the side novel storyline. I didn’t intend for it to be like this, but it’s similar to a couple Japanese light novels (translated into English). The Sword Art Online Progressive series is a side series to the Sword Art Online main series, and the the Sword Oratoria series is a side series to the Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon? main series. Those side series are listed as entirely different series on Amazon, and the storylines are different from the main series, but the timelines run in parallel to the main series.

So I think I will publish my side story as an entirely separate series on Amazon, under a slightly different name from the main series. In the main series books, I’ll link to the side novel. This also enables me to publish the side novel as more than one volume, if it ends up being too long (in looking at the synopsis, it might be two or even three volumes).

And I still might post an extended excerpt of the side novel on my blog for marketing purposes.

Anyway, since I’ve reached a good stopping point, I’ll stop here and pick up on book 4 tomorrow. I think I’ll spend some time reading and hopefully that’ll help me not feel so unfocused tomorrow.

Outlining: time spent: 3 hours, 38 minutes 

Blocking: time spent: 0

Editing: Time spent: 0

Writing: Time spent: 0

Writing: Total number of words: n/a

Writing: Overall writing speed: n/a

Time spent doing other writing-related business: 40 minutes

My takeaway for today: Batching my reading to the weekends may not be working because I’m feeling unfocused. I may need to read more during the week, too.

My second takeaway for today: I think I’ll publish my side novel as a separate series, since it’s similar to the side novels of other Japanese light novel series which run on parallel timelines to the main series.


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