Day 380: Unsure about rearranged schedule

I got up a little earlier today and I’m ready to start my new rearranged schedule. I did my chores and my daily Bible reading, but I will put off my exercise and Japanese language study until later in the afternoon so that I can start work a bit sooner. I hope I will still do both of them despite not doing them first thing. I can totally see myself being too lazy to do them later.

Last night, I found two plot problems in the side novel synopsis that I’ll have to fix today. I’m really grateful for especially at times like these where I can free write to brainstorm, and defeat monsters at the same time! It makes it fun to tackle plot problems, which otherwise might frustrate me.


I don’t know for sure if I was able to think better by starting work sooner after I got up, but it did feel good to have some work done before I went for a walk in the afternoon.

It helped that I put an alarm on my phone to go off when it was time for me to go walking, so I could find a good stopping place in my work and then get up to go. It was a good way to stretch my back after sitting for the 90 minutes I was working. I also did my Japanese study after getting back from my walk, and then I had to start dinner. So for today at least, this new schedule worked well.

I went back to work after dinner and ended up staying up later than I wanted because I was in the middle of figuring out a tricky timeline problem. And I ended up working for a longer duration than I had anticipated, but I got a lot done. I only have two small problems to fix and then I think I’m done editing my side novel synopsis. And then I can start work on book 4 of the series. I still have a couple problems with book 4 which I also need to solve, but I don’t think it’ll take too long to figure them out.

Even though it’s late, I felt like I was able to concentrate a little better than I did this morning, when I started work soon after waking up. I don’t know if it’s because the house is quieter this late at night and that’s why I can concentrate, or if it’s because I tend to be a night owl. I’ll still try this new schedule and see how I do.

Outlining: time spent: 6 hours, 40 minutes

Blocking: time spent: 0

Editing: Time spent: 0

Writing: Time spent: 0

Writing: Total number of words: n/a

Writing: Overall writing speed: n/a

Time spent doing other writing-related business: 22 minutes


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