Day 814: Caught up on my cycle edits

I had a bad bout of IBS last night, but this morning I’m feeling pretty good (knock on wood) and I’m ready to get to work. Considering how hard it’s been to get myself to do my cycle edits, I decided to do them first, as one of my “frogs.” I also need to get to my cleanup edits from my dictation on 8/22.

If I can get them done early, I might get to my other “frogs,” namely my marketing. There’s a time-sensitive marketing task I have to finish this week, and I’ve been doing it in smaller chunks.

And then after that, I’ll hopefully have time to go walking and dictating a little. But even if I don’t, I’ll be glad to get the cycle edits finally off my plate. I don’t want them to pile up again like that.


I managed to finish all my cycle edits! Yay! I also finished the cleanup editing on the dictation from 8/22.

However I decided to stop early for the day—I didn’t even get to my marketing “frog”—because I started having upper back problems. It was my fault for changing the computer monitor, which changed my posture while writing. I got up and walked every hour, but I spent 4 or more hours at the computer, typing and using the trackball. I will have to adjust my desk setup again in order to ensure I can work without pain.

Once again, I did not get to doing dictation today. I only managed to do the bare minimum of writing on book 5, using typing. I’m rather disappointed, but at least I got caught up on my editing. I should be able to go walking and dictating tomorrow.

I’m tempted to do dictation earlier in the day, before doing my “frogs,” but then they might not get done by the end of the day. I can skip my marketing frog for one or two days, but I have too many time-sensitive things to do. Also I still need to keep up with my email inbox and clean it out every day or else it’ll get too full of messages.

I think I have to continue to spend several hours each morning doing my frogs. I haven’t had problems getting myself to write, but it’s things like my frogs and editing that I may not get to if I don’t make sure to do them first.

I looked over my time sheet and realized I only dictated for 7 out of the past 12 days that I did work on this manuscript. Several of those days were because I was trying to edit book 4, and so I only did the bare minimum of writing on book 5 on those days. And then I neglected my cycle editing and needed a couple days to finish that off.

I hope to be able to get into a good system so that I can do my frogs, the cycle edits, my dictation, and my cleanup edits all on the same day. This is assuming my IBS doesn’t cause me to lose some of my work time. I want to aim for: 1 hour of Japanese study, 1 hour of marketing, 15 minutes to check email, 15 minutes to check social media, 2 hours of dictation and 2 hours for cleanup editing, and half an hour for the cycle edits. I usually do my Regency research reading during lunchtime. That would be a full, productive day for me.

Tomorrow is Thursday, which is a heavy house chores day for me. I hope I can get up early enough to get a good start to the day. I’ll try to go to bed early tonight.

Writing streak: 293 days

My takeaway for today: I want to aim for: 1 hour of Japanese study, 1 hour of marketing, 15 minutes to check email, 15 minutes to check social media, 2 hours of dictation and 2 hours for cleanup editing, half an hour for the cycle edits, Regency research reading during lunch.


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