Day 241: Research in the middle of writing
My back feels a little better right now than it did yesterday, so hopefully it’ll stay that way throughout the day. I checked my email earlier today before starting work, but I forgot to start my Toggl timer so I don’t know how long that took. I also managed to get my house chores out of the way, so I’ve cleared the decks , and can now focus on my work for the rest of the day. I’ve got two scenes that need to be self-edited since I didn’t do editing yesterday, so I’ll set a timer and do a couple editing sprints. If I don’t finish the scenes in an hour, I’ll stop anyway and get to writing. That way I’ll get both editing and writing done, without the editing piling up too much. *** I ran into an interesting problem while writing a scene. I had a fight to write, and originally I just left a note for myself to do research and watch a fight to write the scene. I then tried to move on to continue writing the scene, but when I checked my blocking notes, I realized that the point of vi...