Day 236: Get to bed on time

I am running in an old problem I've always had, which is to not get to bed on time. It doesn't help that my husband also has the same problem, and we were perpetually sleep-deprived when we were both working full-time outside the home. Now that I can start my day whenever I want, I am not sleep-deprived, but my day starts later, and it starts even later than usual when I stay up late, like I did last night. I really need more self-discipline to get to bed on time. I know that habits form with triggers, so maybe I can adjust the trigger. I usually stay up late reading a book or listening to an audiobook or watching Netflix. Maybe I can shower early and do those things in bed. Then I can maybe set an alarm to go to bed, and since I'm already in bed, that makes it the path of least resistance to go to sleep. I think I will try that tonight. I was actually very productive once I got up and cleared the decks before starting work. I finished editing the scene I completed yesterday. Also, a random observation: This is just a rough estimate, but it seems to me that the time to self-edit a scene takes me about half the amount of time it took to write the rough draft of the scene. In looking back over my time log for writing volume 2, editing took me about 40% of the time it took to write it. I'm going to start writing now. I was rather pleasantly surprised to notice that I'm about halfway done with the book! *** I got some writing done today. I was on a roll so when my sprint timer went off, I just kept going, and my writing speed was rather good. I finished the scene I'd been working on. I then spent some time cleaning up my blocking notes for the next scene, and found a segment I had to fix and add some stuff to make the plot make more sense, so it was great I spent time on it before I started writing. Maybe because it's Friday, maybe because I'm pretty sure I haven't been reading enough this past week, but I'm feeling a bit lazy and decided to stop work here. I think I'll spend more time reading or maybe watching Netflix to refill the creative well. I got a respectable number of words today, so I don't feel too guilty about stopping. Blocking: time spent: 27 minutes Editing: Time spent: 60 minutes Writing: Time spent: 1 hour, 43 minutes Writing: Total number of words: 2553 words Writing: Average speed: 1677 words per hour Time spent doing other writing-related business: 48 minutes My takeaway for today: I can try to make it so that I have the path of least resistance when it comes to getting to bed on time. My second takeaway for today: Editing seems to take about half the amount of time it takes for me to write a scene.


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