Day 274: A few sick days; a series premise like a story plot

I didn’t blog on Friday because I just didn’t get a lot done. I admit, I stayed up too late reading and so I got up late on Friday, but I also had a lot of IBS discomfort. I got a little work done, but it was so little that Friday was essentially a sick day.

Then Saturday was a full-on a sick day. Girl stuff.

I ended up doing a bunch of marketing stuff on Sunday, although I still wasn’t feeling great. I scheduled a bunch of blog posts, which also involved shifting around the posts I had previously scheduled. It reminded me of Tetris for some reason.

It’s now Monday and while I’m not feeling great, I want to try to get some work done.

I think the problem with my series premise is that I don’t have a clear direction for it to go. I don’t have an ending except for something vague. I think I need to figure out the large scale steps of the series, like a story plot, rather than a general concept for a series, like a TV show.


I think I figured out a way to tie all the books together, but I had to stop work because I was just in too much pain.

Outlining: time spent: 3 hours, 9 minutes (Hawaii series)

Blocking: time spent: 0

Editing: Time spent: 0

Writing: Time spent: 0

Writing: Total number of words: 0

Writing: Average speed (sprints): 0

Writing: Overall writing speed: 0

Time spent doing other writing-related business: 50 minutes

My takeaway for today: Thinking about the series premise like a story plot made it a little easier to figure out how the books’ conflicts would flow one into the other.


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