Day 637: Meet Leopar

My IBS wasn’t terrible when I woke up, but it was just uncomfortable enough that it was very distracting when I tried to do my writing. I managed to write about 480 words, but I also copied and pasted some old text I’d written for this scene, so the word count is higher than that. I decided to stop there since I was feeling more uncomfortable by that point.

I think I’ll take a break and see if I feel better later.


I actually didn’t feel much better later, and I had to take more medication and then wait it out. Finally after dinnertime, the discomfort died down enough that I could sit down at the computer to do some blocking. I felt kind of tired by then, but I wanted to get at least a little bit of work done while I felt better, and I didn’t know how long that would last.

I’ve said it before and I’ll keep saying it, thank God for 4thewords. I kept needing to take breaks while I was blocking, not as much from the IBS discomfort at that point, but instead mostly because I was tired. I was tempted to just quit work for the day because I was tired after dealing with IBS for most of the day, but I had started an 800-word monster with a 90-minute time limit, Leopar, and that forced me to get back to blocking after each break.

I still didn’t spend all that much time on the blocking for the Regency, and I didn’t do any work on the Hawaii book, but I got more done than I might have without 4thewords. The game really forced me to push myself a little harder when I was tired at the end of the day.

Regency series:

Editing: Time spent: 15 minutes

Writing: Time spent: 40 minutes

Writing: Total number of words: 972 words

Writing streak: 116 days

Blocking: time spent: 1 hour, 5 minutes

Blocking streak: 110 days

Hawaii series:

Outlining: time spent: 0

Time spent doing other writing-related business: 0

My takeaway for today: Starting a longer-time period monster helped push me to get more work done when I was tired.


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