Day 889: Path of least resistance

I really wanted to do more dictation today, but because my IBS was bothering me off and on all day, it just seemed easier to type rather than dictate.

Logically speaking, I don’t know why it’s easier. Theoretically, I could easily turn on my digital recorder or start the recording app on my computer, almost as easily as starting typing on my manuscript. I think it’s simply that it’s more mentally challenging to dictate than to type, at this point, since I’m more used to typing.

I was able to type and write in my manuscript, stopping at times when the IBS gave me issues, for almost 2.5 hours today, which is great. It’s much more time than I’ve spent on my writing in several weeks, since the IBS flareup first got bad. I wrote almost 3000 words today and finished a scene.

I did notice that while my writing speed was slower when I first started, it picked up in the middle, but it slowed down again at the end because I was feeling tired. But I pushed through because I was almost done with the scene and wanted to finish it today. It’s a great feeling of accomplishment that the scene is now done and I can more forward to the next scene.

I’m wondering if I need to put off the dictation practice until the IBS is better. It seems harder for me to do the dictation when I’m feeling crappy, which is why I haven’t been consistent with the dictation and doing it every day. Rather than fighting myself to make myself do dictation and wasting time while I procrastinate, I'd rather take the road of least resistance so that I do some writing during that time that I would otherwise have procrastinated and at least get some writing done every day.

I feel a bit like a loser that I'm giving up on the dictation when I was really trying hard to make a go of it this time around, but I'm getting fed up with how inefficient I'm being. I need to get the book done more than I need to learn dictation. And since I have a limited amount of energy every day because of my health problems, I should focus on the book rather than the dictation.

I still do want to try to get this dictation thing to work. I want to get better at dictation so that it's as easy as typing. But I think I just don't have the mental energy at the moment to devote to it and get my book done in time. I think if I practice enough, it will get easier and faster, but practicing has been hard lately with my health issues.

So for now, I think I'll focus more on typing and writing rather than on dictation. If I find I have enough energy some days, I'll definitely still try out dictation. But I won't be pushing myself to do it if I don't want to. I'd rather simply sit down and start typing in my manuscript.

Writing streak: 368 days

My takeaway for today: Rather than wasting time procrastinating and fighting myself to get started on the dictation, I'd rather go the path of least resistance so that I just start typing in the manuscript and use that time instead to write.


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