Day 899

(I discovered today that I miscounted a few days ago, so today is actually day 899 and my writing streak is actually 378 days today.)

I started the day off rather badly, with bad IBS nausea when I woke up. However, since I wasn’t in any mental state to write, I finished a lot of house chores. I usually have a heavier load of house chores than normal on Thursdays, and I got it all done.

Because of the number of chores I need to do on Thursdays, I have also scheduled Thursdays as a marketing day, and so I did some marketing tasks that were due today.

I finally started feeling better late in the day, but by then I was already feeling tired. I found myself procrastinating a lot rather than just getting started on my work.

I really don’t know why I have such a tendency to procrastinate. It’s not like I hate my work—I love writing, plus I’m at the end of the book, which is usually the best part to write. And yet I wasted time on Amazon. I bought supplies that I did need, but I didn’t need to shop for them at that particular moment.

I know that part of the reason is that I’m tired, since I had to struggle with the nausea for so many hours today. It takes a toll on my energy levels when I try to do stuff (like the house chores) while I have an IBS flare-up.

But I still don’t understand why it’s so hard for me to START WORK. I really should be like Nike and Just Do It. It’s even easier than ever to start these days since I’m not doing dictation while I’m still struggling with my health issues.

Part of the reason is that writing can be boring some days, just like any other job. I used to try to make work more interesting by treating myself with yummy snacks while working, but I haven’t done that lately, partly because of the IBS, but also because yummy snacks that I can eat with my IBS is very expensive, and I’ve been trying to not spend so much money.

However, I had forgotten about treating myself while I’m working, and I had made some IBS-friendly coffee cake yesterday (trying to use up sourdough discard). So I think I’ll treat myself and heat up a couple pieces to eat while I’m working, if only to motivate me to get some writing done.

Well, now that I’ve done some blogging, I’ve gotten myself more in the mood to write. Maybe I should have started off with the blogging first? I’ll get started on work now.


I ended up doing only about 3 hours of writing, and 3100 words. But I had also done about 2 hours of marketing work, so the total for my day was 5 hours, which isn’t bad at all. My various house chores took about 5 hours today, so I don’t think I slacked off as much as I thought I had. Still, I did procrastinate about an hour before starting work.

I enjoyed my IBS-friendly coffee cake and it did motivate me while writing. But work was tough today—I couldn’t shake my fatigue.

I just hope I can get started earlier tomorrow and get more writing done.

Writing streak: 378 days

My takeaway for today: Bake IBS-friendly treats to treat yourself while writing.

My second takeaway for today: Instead of procrastinating with other things, try blogging to get more in the mood to write.


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