Day 897

I was sick for most of yesterday with nausea from my IBS. I tried to push past the nausea and get some writing done, but in the end I only got about 1000 words written before I called it a day.

I went to bed early, but woke up around 1:30 am and couldn’t go back to sleep, so I just got up and had breakfast. My schedule is now a bit messed up, but I’m going to try to get work done. I might be able to get a lot done since I got up earlier than normal.

I realized I’m working mostly on my self-discipline these days—to get started on my writing without procrastinating, to go to bed on time, to wake up on time, to exercise (assuming I’m not feeling too sick from my IBS), to stop eating so much. If I develop stronger self-discipline in one area, I’m hoping it will help me develop stronger self-discipline in other areas. But I’m not sure, because self-discipline isn’t exactly like a muscle fiber, it’s psychological instead, and brain chemistry doesn’t work the same as physiology.

Anyway, I did a few “frogs” this morning, but there are some I can’t do since it’s too early, so I’m getting started on work instead.


I did about 90 minutes of work, but then began to feel tired and so I went back to bed. When I woke up, I got done some of the “frogs” I couldn’t get to earlier and then did a few more writing sprints. I was still rather sick for some of the time, but I started feeling better in the evening.

I got a total of about 5 hours of writing done today, and a total of 5500 words. I finished two scenes, including the one scene that I think will be the longest one of the scenes that are left.

It’s now very late and my sleep schedule is messed up again, but I’m going to try to get it back on track somehow. I’m very pleased with the amount I got done today. I have 6 scenes left, some of which will be short. Maybe I could finish the book by Saturday?

Writing streak: 376 days

My takeaway for today: If I can develop better self-discipline in one area, maybe it will be easier to have self-discipline in other areas, too.


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