Day 894

My self-discipline wasn’t great last night, I went to bed a couple hours later than I should have. However, I also woke up a little earlier, so hopefully that will make up for it.

My IBS isn’t too bad today, so I managed to get my “frogs” done before starting work, which always makes me feel better. It’s a refreshing feeling that's a bit like cleaning my desk before starting work.

Since today is Saturday, I had a bunch of marketing tasks that needed to be done before I could start writing. If I weren’t trying to finish this book by Wednesday or Thursday, I would have simply worked a bit on my Hawaii serial novel being posted on my blog. However, I’m trying to write as much as I can to make my personal deadline, so I need to get Regency writing done today in addition to the marketing tasks, which makes for a more busy day.

I didn’t finish all my marketing tasks, but I already spent 90 minutes on it, and I want to make sure I get my writing done. I’m feeling a bit tired—maybe from the marketing, maybe from the fact I had a couple hours less sleep—so it’s a bit hard to get started on my writing, but it’s nowhere near as difficult to get started as when I was procrastinating before starting dictation. I put on the soundtrack for this series (the background music by my favorite composer for a certain anime series) which has gotten me more in the mood, so I’m ready to go.


I ended up writing for about 3 hours, and I wrote 4000 words, which isn’t bad. My blocking notes were extremely detailed for this scene, so it was a lot easier to write it. It reminded me that I really do write better when my blocking notes have been put together well and are detailed enough so that I’m not scrambling to fix plot holes or correct the flow of the story.

I have nine scenes left, and I’m not sure how long each of them are. Some of my scenes have been much shorter than I expected while others have been much longer. I’m wondering if I should try to write tomorrow, even though usually I don’t write on Sundays, or if I should just give up trying to finish the book by Wednesday and not write tomorrow after all.

Well, I guess I could just wait and see how I feel tomorrow.

Writing streak: 373 days


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