Day 719: Blocking for volume 5 is done!

I woke up a little late today, but then I wasted time after breakfast browsing iTunes movies. I don’t know why I do retail procrastination so easily! I’m really easily distracted today!

I think the problem was caused by the fact that I do my daily Bible study at breakfast on my phone. It’s super easy to get distracted by my phone.

So I think that I will try to do my Bible study on my older iPad Mini. Since it’s so old, and so slow to load websites and apps, it might work to just do my Bible study and not tempt me with going online. I’ll actually have to see if it still works.

(I just remembered that my Bible study was one of my “frogs” that I’ve been forgetting to list. I’ve been doing it every morning during breakfast, so it’s been easy to keep up my discipline to do it.)

There were some blog posts that needed to go up next week, so I spent longer than 15 minutes working on my marketing work today. That, combined with the procrastination, made me lose about an hour of work I could have done before lunch.

Lunch took a bit longer than I expected, because it took me a little longer to make lunch, and then I walked a little longer after lunch. I probably need to find a quicker way to make lunch and reduce the amount of time I spend walking.

I also took a break in the middle of the afternoon since my hubby brought home a snack for me. I think I have to expect Saturdays to be a little less productive since my schedule can be unpredictable.

I decided to finish work by a certain time (5 pm) so that I’d have enough time to do my Japanese at the end of the day. Since I didn’t do that much writing today, I wasn’t too tired. I do hope I can continue to do my Japanese study at the end of the day. Before, I had stopped doing it at the end of the day because I was too tired by the time my writing was done, so I just skipped the Japanese study. I hope my discipline has improved enough that I won’t start skipping my Japanese study even if I do feel tired by 5 pm.

I didn’t spend as much time blocking as I should have, I guess, but I did finish blocking volume 5 of my Regency series! Now I can move on to volume 6.

I also was thinking that I might step up my writing of volume 4. That volume ends on a cliffhanger, but it’s resolved at the end of volume 5. Now that volume 5 is blocked, the writing for both volumes 4 and 5 will be faster, and I was realizing that I need to release those books this year so that I don’t lose readers. If I can write those two books in the next few months and release them this year, it won’t be so bad if I take a longer time before the release of volume 6. I can use that time to block more volumes in the series.

So I might increase my writing time in the next few weeks and decrease my blocking time. I’ll see how that goes. I’ll still have the same problem of confusing myself by switching between two time points in the storyline, but I think that making sure I release books this year is more important.

Regency series:

Editing: Time spent: 1 minute

Writing: Time spent: 17 minutes

Writing: Total number of words: 248 words

Writing streak: 198 days

Blocking: time spent: 1 hour, 42 minutes

Blocking: Total number of words: 631 words

Blocking streak: 192 days

Hawaii series:

Editing: Time spent: 4 minutes

Writing: time spent: 20 minutes

Writing: Total number of words: 233 words

Writing-related business:

Regency research reading: time spent: 31 minutes

Email: time spent: 16 minutes

Marketing: time spent: 46 minutes

My takeaway for today: Try to prevent distraction in the morning by doing my Bible study on my older iPad Mini so I won’t be distracted by the internet.

My second takeaway for today: Increase my writing time so I can release books 4 and 5 this year, then I can take more time before the release of book 6 in order to do more blocking.


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