Day 724: Frogs are there for a reason

I took a little too long checking my email today, and since I’ve been taking too long to do marketing work lately, I decided to shift my marketing work to later in the day. So today, the “frogs” I got done first thing were my exercise (I forgot to mention that a few days ago when I blogged about my frogs), Bible reading, email, and my Hawaii serial novel.

However, putting off my marketing work was a bad idea, partly because Thursdays are always more busy for me since I have more house chores to do. I got my Regency writing done, but I was already exhausted. I also started getting some IBS discomfort, so I got only an hour of blocking done.

I was going to skip marketing work, but ended up getting some done later in the evening, so it did get done today, but it almost didn’t.

I always seem to forget that putting my “frogs” off until later in the day puts them in danger of not getting done at all. I had gotten too self-confident since I’ve been able to do my Regency research reading at lunch and my Japanese study after dinner, but even the Japanese is hard to do when I’m tired and yesterday I didn’t do as much of it as I wanted to.

I guess I’ll have to put the marketing back in the early part of my day.

Regency series:

Editing: Time spent: 11 minutes

Writing: Time spent: 1 hour, 31 minutes

Writing: Total number of words: 1149 words

Writing streak: 203 days

Blocking: time spent: 58 minutes

Blocking: Total number of words: 284 words

Blocking streak: 197 days

Hawaii series:

Editing: Time spent: 6 minutes

Writing: time spent: 15 minutes

Writing: Total number of words: 235 words

Writing-related business:

Regency research reading: time spent: 34 minutes

Email: time spent: 37 minutes

Marketing: time spent: 35 minutes

My takeaway for today: You always forget that whenever you put off your “frogs” for later, they simply don't get done. You need to do them first thing.


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