Day 729: Doing frogs when I’m not feeling well

I had a bad morning and didn’t get started on work until rather late. I woke up with IBS pain and it didn’t go away after lunchtime. While I was waiting for the medicine to kick in, I decided to do some of my easier tasks such as my Japanese study, email and marketing, and I did some Regency research reading during lunch. So despite feeling rather crappy this morning, I still did get some of my “frogs” done.

I felt better in the afternoon and did my Hawaii book, then spent a few minutes on writing and blocking my Regency series. It wasn’t nearly as much as I’d hoped I’d do today, but it’s better than just the bare minimum, which I was tempted to do this morning and then call it quits.

On other bad days, I’d often just immediately do the bare minimum to make sure I got the work done and I wouldn’t even try to do my frogs since they’re not as urgent as my writing. But this time, doing my frogs while I wasn’t feeling well seemed to work. My frogs don’t require as much thought and energy as writing, so it’s easy to do them, as long as the pain isn’t too bad. In waiting out the pain, I eventually found some time to get writing done after all.

Regency series:

Editing: Time spent: 3 minutes

Writing: Time spent: 36 minutes

Writing: Total number of words: 325 words

Writing streak: 208 days

Blocking: time spent: 38 minutes

Blocking: Total number of words: 327 words

Blocking streak: 202 days

Hawaii series:

Editing: Time spent: 1 minute

Writing: time spent: 26 minutes

Writing: Total number of words: 307 words

Writing-related business:

Regency research reading: time spent: 1 hour, 11 minutes

Email: time spent: 3 minutes

Marketing: time spent: 23 minutes

My takeaway for today: As long as the pain isn’t too bad, do your frogs when you’re not feeling well since they don’t require as much energy and concentration as writing, and wait out the pain until you can get some writing done later in the day.


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