Day 669: Finished taxes!

I forgot to post yesterday, but I finished my taxes! Yesterday I wasn’t feeling very well (not only IBS but also womanly stuff), so I had to power through the discomfort. I also managed to do the bare minimum of writing and blocking in order to keep up my streak.

I’m still not feeling great today (I hate my womanly stuff) and since the discomfort is not like IBS (where I can usually wait an hour and the symptoms will go away), I think I’ll take today off as a sick day. I also want to celebrate since I finished the taxes yesterday. However, I made sure to do the bare minimum today so I keep my streak.

I also set a reminder on my phone to remind me to start working a little on my taxes every day starting in January. That way I’ll have plenty of time and do just a little each day so the work isn’t so overwhelming.

Regency series:

Editing: Time spent: 4 minutes

Writing: Time spent: 14 minutes

Writing: Total number of words: 300 words

Writing streak: 148 days

Blocking: time spent: 7 minutes

Blocking streak: 142 days

Hawaii series:

Outlining: time spent: 0

My takeaway for today: Set a reminder on my phone to start doing a little bit of work every day on my taxes starting in January so I won’t be so overwhelmed by the amount of work that needs to be done.


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