Day 675: Rethinking my daily time management

In thinking about my blocking yesterday, I’m really glad I had such a large chunk of time to devote to it. I’m not entirely positive, but I think I was able to come up with a solution to my problem because I had a long stretch of uninterrupted time to devote to it. Even though my mind got distracted several times, mostly because the problem was so tricky, eventually I figured out what to do because I had so long to ponder it.

I think if I’d broken up the blocking over several days, with only 30 or 60 minutes a day, it would have taken longer than what it took me yesterday (about 4.5 hours). I think that because the time would have been broken up, it would have taken me some time each day to reorient my mind on the problem and try to think of solutions aside from the obvious ones I’d tried that didn’t work.

So while writing a little each day has been helping me immensely, I think that maybe when I do blocking or outlining, it might be best to have longer hours during the day so that I can be more efficient when trying to solve a problem. I’ll have to think about this, because I’ve been breaking up my blocking on my Regency and doing only an hour or two each day. Maybe I need to devote longer hours each day for my blocking, too.


I got a rough outline done! However, it’s not complete yet—I have to outline the romantic and spiritual arcs for the characters. I don’t think it’ll be too difficult, and hopefully I’ll be able to finish those tomorrow.

Regency series:

Editing: Time spent: 4 minutes

Writing: Time spent: 6 minutes

Writing: Total number of words: 125 words

Writing streak: 154 days

Blocking: time spent: 23 minutes

Blocking streak: 148 days

Hawaii series:

Outlining: time spent: 5 hours

Time spent doing other writing-related business: 7 minutes

My takeaway for today: Think a bit about if I should maybe do my blocking in large chunks of time instead of a little each day, in order to get it done more efficiently.


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