Day 12: Standing desk, back issues, plantar fasciitis

Yesterday I got stuck on Snowflake step 2 (1-paragraph summary) for volume 10, so I’ll see if I can fix that one plot problem. Once I do, Snowflake step 2 will be done for that volume and I can move to volume 11, which is the last planned volume for the series.

If I can finish Snowflake step 2 for both volumes 10 and 11, then I’ll go back to volume 9 and flesh out Snowflake step 4 (1-page synopsis) a little more. If it looks like the plot is too thin for an entire book, I might combine it with volume 10, which is what I was considering yesterday.

Today my email again took very little time. Yay! I think that the practice of pushing small things off to Sunday to do might work, since I’m less distracted while doing my email.

I also noted to my husband today that I haven’t had a stiff neck when I wake up in the morning ever since I started using my standing desk more (12 days). I also haven’t had any upper back issues like I usually do. I had thought my stiff neck was because of my pillow or my upper back issues, but maybe it was because of sitting for so long every day for work. (On a slightly unrelated issue, I also haven’t had any headaches since I stopped drinking flavored tea, but that’s only been about 5 days so far, so I don’t know for certain if that was the cause of my headaches.)

Unfortunately, standing at my desk for several hours has caused my plantar fasciitis to flare up again. But in standing all day, I can also massage the soles of my feet with a golf ball several times a day, and that seems to help. My legs are also a little tired sometimes, but I think I’m getting stronger and my legs haven’t been as tired as when I first started. I hope that continues to improve.


I prayed and God helped me figure out that plot problem! Unfortunately, in the process, my Snowflake step 2 for volume 10 turned out as detailed as Snowflake step 4, so I guess I actually did both Snowflake steps 2 and 4.

Now I’m working on Snowflake step 2 for volume 11, which is the planned last volume of the series (unless I end up combining some volumes).


Just like I did with volume 10, my Snowflake step 2 for volume 11 ended up as detailed as a Snowflake step 4. In fact, after finishing, I had to create a more pared-down version for my Snowflake step 2, so I kind of went backwards.

But that also means I completed Snowflake step 4 for volumes 4 through 11 of my series! And volume 5 actually has Snowflake step 6 (expanded synopsis) partly done, too. Here’s the list of my progress:

Volume 1: written
Volume 2: Snowflake step 8 (scene spreadsheet) is partly done, started writing a few chapters
Volume 3: Step 6 is partly done
Volume 4: Step 4 is done
Volume 5: Step 6 is partly done.
Volume 6: Step 4 is done (used to be volumes 6/7)
Volume 7: Step 4 is done (eliminated 7, used to be volume 8)
Volume 8: Step 4 is done (used to be volumes 8/9)
Volume 9: Step 4 is done
Volume 10: Step 4 is done
Volume 11: Step 4 is done

What I will do now is move on to completing Snowflake step 6 for all the volumes, starting with completing Snowflake step 6 for volume 3.

My progress was pretty good. Back on Day 3, I had only partially completed Snowflake step 4 for volumes 4 and 5, and I’d only done Snowflake step 2 for volumes 6 through 11. That means I did Snowflake step 4 on eight books in ten days. That’s great!

I don’t know how long it’ll take me to do Snowflake step 6 on each book. But for many of the volumes, the Snowflake step 4 is actually rather detailed (and longer than one page), so I’m hoping it won’t take too long.

Time spent writing: 5 hours, 16 minutes
Time spent doing other writing-related business: 1 hour

My takeaway for today: For me, my standing desk has helped improve my upper back issues, which might have been caused by sitting for too many hours during the day.


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