Day 69: Continuing the trend of sick days

Continuing the trend, today is (mostly) another sick day. I’m feeling particularly cranky because my IBS is compounded by the unpleasant fact that I get multiple symptoms when Aunt Flo comes to call.

I was wondering if God wants me to learn how to work through the pain. I’ll have to pray about that.

I did manage to get a little bit of work done earlier today. I had wanted to do some writing of new stuff, but I realized I had to make a decision to either completely trash what I wrote earlier this year on volume 2, or edit it and see if anything was worth keeping. I decided to read through it first and saw that some of that mess wasn’t so bad, so I started editing it. I managed to write some transitions between the cut portions and finished a credible version of chapter one.

But a sinus headache and back ache drove me away from the computer again after a little while. I hope I can get more work done on Monday.

Time spent writing: 2 hours, 29 minutes
Time spent doing other writing-related business: 1 hour, 5 minutes


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