Day 73: Catching up on chores, Amazon keywords

I felt better today but I also had a lot of home chores to catch up on so I didn’t get much writing done.

I finished editing what little I’d written in volume 2, and then I did some work on Snowflake step 8 (scene spreadsheet), adding a few more rows in the spreadsheet for the next several scenes.

I should have dived right into writing after that, and I did some dictation exercises, but I had a hard time focusing. This might be because I was still doing home chores like laundry and watering the yard, so I kept having to interrupt my work to go outside to hang the laundry or move the watering hose. I should know better than to try to do work in the midst of home chores, but I wanted to get some work done and yet I still had a lot of other non-writing stuff to do.

So, since I couldn’t focus enough to do writing, I decided to do some writing-related stuff instead, which I could get done even though I kept needing to interrupt myself. I just got Publisher Rocket, so I watched videos on how to use it and read articles on Amazon keywords. Then I searched for keywords for The Spinster’s Christmas and changed them on KDP for both the ebook and the print book.

It took longer than I wanted because I kept having to think of new keyword searches since the ones I tried didn’t turn up any good keyword phrases I could use. I used the keywords that the KDP help pages suggest for keywords, and according to Publisher Rocket, they were TERRIBLE. Either no one was searching for those keywords or they were too broad and I had no chance of visibility. Eventually I found some phrases that I could use, thanks to Publisher Rocket. I don’t know if they’ll help with sales, but I plugged them in today, so I’ll see.

Time spent writing: 2 hours, 1 minute
Time spent doing other writing-related business: 4 hours, 28 minutes

My takeaway for today: After several sick days, be prepared for a lot of home chores to catch up on, which might mean less focus during writing time.


  1. I didn't realize you were keeping a daily writing blog, Camy! I'm so glad I found it. Your Story Sensei rocked my world back in 2007-2008. It's great to see your progress, even though somedays (today) are not as productive as you'd like. I'm typing in redlines and it's slow going.

    1. Hi there, Jill! I'm glad you found me, too! I haven't done much with the Story Sensei lately since I wanted to focus on writing instead, and I had some bad writer's block, too. Are you typing in copy edits? Yeah, that part always seems to take forever. :)


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