Day 250: Wasted too much time earlier in the day

I made the mistake of doing some marketing work before I started writing work today, and it put me in a marketing mindset that’s become hard to shake.

I decided to do some editing to start the day. I’m behind on the self-editing work I need to do because I’ve been prioritizing getting words done for the past several work days, so that I keep moving forward on the book. But I don’t want the self-editing to pile up too much.

Also, the editing will hopefully help me to lose the marketing mindset and get back into the writing mindset so that I can get more words done today.


After editing, I took a break and got distracted. I spent WAY too long on doing research for some blog posts I was planning for marketing my Hawaii contemporary series. The research was necessary, but I think I should have put it off for later and not have gotten distracted by it in the middle of my writing work.


UGH it is really hard for me to focus on my writing! I also think maybe I don’t have enough conflict in the scene, so I might be kind of bored. I think I’ll try to add a little more conflict.


I finally gave up. The writing was like pulling teeth. I’m really not sure why—maybe because I wasted so much time earlier, and now I’m trying to write so late? It’s getting close to my bedtime.

Blocking: time spent: 0

Editing: Time spent: 1 hour, 33 minutes

Writing: Time spent: 2 hours, 23 minutes

Writing: Total number of words: 812 words

Writing: Average speed: 650 words per hour

Time spent doing other writing-related business: 5 hours, 3 minutes

My takeaway for today: Writing later in the day seems to be more difficult, so try harder not to be distracted! Do your work earlier!


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