Day 265: Clearing my mind and my To Do list

WOW I got a lot of marketing and self-publishing work done today, too!

I was finally able to do some of the marketing work for the Japanese version of Sushi for One. I uploaded it to ebook distributors earlier this week, but there’s still work to do to submit it to Lightning Source for the print version. There was an unexpected error in the interior .pdf file and so I had to ask my graphic designer to redo the conversion.

Since the ebook is now live, and since I did so much marketing yesterday ahead of time for the launch for book 3, I decided to also do some marketing ahead of time for Sushi for One. I wrote my March newsletter (for my Camy mailing list) and sent it to my translator so she can have the Japanese text for me to add alongside the English. I also did an announcement blog post.

Then I decided to do some marketing I’ve been putting off for a while. I finally posted on my blog about my Contemporary romance reader magnet, and then I changed the keywords for Weddings and Wasabi and also Unshakeable Pursuit and Necessary Proof on Kindle. Researching keywords is SUCH a pain, which was why I’d been putting it off for a while, but once I did one, the second was easier since they have some commonalities, and doing Necessary Proof was super easy because I’d already done Unshakeable Pursuit.

It feels really good to check those things off my To Do list! Now that most of the things on my list for my Sushi series and Sonoma series is almost all done, the only things left are 4 more items to do for Japanese Sushi for One, 4 quick items for my Sonoma series, 6 items for Japanese Spinster’s Christmas, and (a bunch of stuff for) my Regency took 3 (which I can’t start until later). That is SO much more manageable than it was before, when I had dozens of blogging/marketing/self-publishing items for my Sushi series (not just the Japanese Sushi for One) and Sonoma series.

Now that I’ve gotten that done, I’m doing to do some editing of my Japanese Spinster’s Christmas.

WOW I am totally loving this plan of taking the week off after finishing the manuscript to do all this marketing stuff. I’m getting so much done!

And in getting most of this stuff finally done, it won’t be hanging around to distract me or stress me out when I’m writing my next book. I think that for me, and my personality, this is most important. I’ve been so sensitive to stress lately (and it doesn’t help that I’ve had health issues) that any little thing that reduces my stress makes a huge difference. Getting lots of little things done helps clear my mind as well as clear my To Do list.


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