Day 649

I hope I won’t be too distracted today. I started re-reading Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World again to refresh my memory on deep focus practices. Also, for the past 3 days, I’ve been setting an alarm on my watch to remind me to do 1 minute of breathing every hour that I’m working. Sometimes it will snap me out of it when I’m distracted, sometimes it won’t (I’ll just turn off the alarm). But it’s valuable for the times it does work to get my focus back or to help quiet my distracted thoughts with some breathing.


It took me a little while to get started with my work today, but once I did, I was able to focus while writing and got quite a lot done! I took a break for lunch but was able to get back to work right afterward, unlike yesterday when I was distracted and procrastinated a bit.

I wonder what’s different today? Well, my back isn’t bothering me so that’s probably the biggest difference—yesterday, my upper back was bugging me quite a bit, and while it wasn’t super painful, it was rather distracting.

I started losing focus near the end of the session working on my Hawaii book, so I wasn’t entirely successful in maintaining deep concentration. I suppose I just need to keep practicing.

Regency series:

Editing: Time spent: 37 minutes

Writing: Time spent: 1 hour, 26 minutes

Writing: Total number of words: 1268 words

Writing streak: 128 days

Blocking: time spent: 2 hours, 23 minutes

Blocking streak: 122 days

Hawaii series:

Outlining: time spent: 1 hour, 28 minutes

Time spent doing other writing-related business: 28 minutes


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