Day 667: Taxes today

I fully admit that even though I don’t want to be superstitious, I felt kind of weird to be posting yesterday because of what day number it was, so I skipped it. In some ways that makes me feel silly because I know it’s not like there’s anything that can hurt me if I posted on day 666, but at the same time I felt uncomfortable and since it’s my blog, there’s nothing wrong with me deciding not to post.

Unfortunately, maybe because I had decided not to post, I ended up being really lazy yesterday. I got the bare minimum done on my writing and blocking, just to make sure I did it and kept my streaks alive, and then I was supposed to do my taxes the rest of the day. But I ended up procrastinating by doing a bunch of house chores. Granted, they all needed to be done yesterday and they weren’t things I could put off. And they all needed to be done before dinner.

When I finally sat down to work, I felt unmotivated (since I dislike doing taxes) which was probably why I got distracted with some other busywork on my book catalog, which was completely unimportant and non urgent! I felt like a loser. I tried to get some work done after dinner, but I was simply too tired by then, so I decided to try to go to bed early and get a fresh start today.

My IBS has been relatively well the past few days, only slight discomfort at random times during the day. Luckily, I only need to take some medication and it usually goes away in 30 minutes. Also the discomfort is lessening gradually since I haven’t eaten anything to set off my IBS lately.

I went to bed early but got a little bit of a late start. However, now I’m ready to get my bare minimum of writing and blocking, and then do my taxes.


I actually got a lot done today! It was hard to concentrate at first, but I kept praying for help and eventually I was able to focus. I only have a few more hours of work to do to finish my taxes.

Regency series:

Editing: Time spent: 6 minutes

Writing: Time spent: 10 minutes

Writing: Total number of words: 265 words

Writing streak: 146 days

Blocking: time spent: 19 minutes

Blocking streak: 140 days

Hawaii series:

Outlining: time spent: 0


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