Day 659: At least it wasn’t a total sick day

I woke up with a sinus headache today, probably from my allergies since the weather suddenly turned hotter. However, strangely, I also have more energy than I did yesterday and my IBS is much better, so it was frustrating to be in so much pain when I’m feeling quite well otherwise.

I wasn’t sure if the headache would go away after I took medication, since my sinus headaches tend to not always go away when I take painkillers. After I took medicine, I did some house chores while I waited to see if it would kick in. However, it didn’t get rid of the headache.

But I wanted to get work done since I have so much energy, so after I took a little more medicine, I decided to try to work through the pain. If the headache develops into a full-blown migraine, then I’ll have to stop, but I thought I’d try to do as much as I could before then. I started work a little later in the day because I’d been trying to wait out the headache, but I hope I can get a few hours of work done before I have to cook dinner.


I spoke too soon. My headache died down and I had just finished my writing session when I got an IBS flare-up. I’ll have to take medicine and wait for it to kick in. I also decided to do the bare minimum of blocking, just to make sure I get it done today, and I hope I’ll feel better in a little while and can do more work later.


It’s been a couple hours since then and my IBS hasn’t gotten any better. I think I’ll call it a day.

Well, I’m glad at least I got some work done and didn’t just decide to have today be a sick day. Hopefully I’ll feel better tomorrow.

Regency series:

Editing: Time spent: 4 minutes

Writing: Time spent: 1 hour, 22 minutes

Writing: Total number of words: 1083 words

Writing streak: 138 days

Blocking: time spent: 22 minutes

Blocking streak: 132 days

Hawaii series:

Outlining: time spent: 0

Time spent doing other writing-related business: 9 minutes


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