Day 157: More editing again

I had forgotten to register the copyright for The Gentleman Thief, so instead of worrying about it, I’m just going to do that today, and also get ISBN numbers for the ebook and paperback book versions.

I am not intending to publish The Gentleman Thief as an ebook, because it has more value as a Reader Magnet if it’s not available anywhere else, but I hope to publish it as an ebook eventually, when I start a new series and have a Reader Magnet from that series that I can offer to my newsletter subscribers. Also, I was thinking about publishing the paperback version in case any of my readers wanted a hard copy.

But that also means I need to come up with a blurb and metadata stuff! Ugh! I hate this kind of business work with self-publishing! So I’ll do it first thing today.


Well I finished the ISBN stuff, and also started the copyright registration. However I need to wait to publish my paperback first before I can finish the copyright registration. I also wrote the back cover copy, so at least that’s done!

It’s taken quite a while, a little over 3 hours. Now it’s time to eat, so I’ll get back to work afterward!


Well, instead of going back to editing volume 2, I got back the edits from my proofreader and so I did the edits on volume 1 instead. That took a few hours, although I admit I was also distracted because I was chatting with a friend on FB at the same time.

But I’m glad I did that and got it taken care of. The thought of doing it would have nagged at me while I was writing if I’d just left it.

After that, I set everything up for releasing my paperback version of volume 1, and I also compiled my ARC .epub and .pdf files for my Street Team. I did another call for Street Team members from a Goodreads group I’m active in, and I’ll send out my ARC files in three days.

Man, I’m tired! And I got no writing done today!

Editing: Time spent: 4 hours, 9 minutes (volume 1 editing)
Writing: Time spent: 0 minutes
Time spent doing other writing-related business: 5 hours, 40 minutes


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