Day 167: Procrastination again

Yesterday I had to write on my computer because my blocking notes were a mess and what I’d written earlier was a mess and everything was such a mess that I couldn’t keep writing because my thoughts were a mess, too. So I opted to write in since there’s the special event going on for NaNoWriMo.

I decided to continue writing in 4thewords today because I realized that I really enjoy the writing a lot more when I can defeat monsters! I was writing on the Alphasmart (and more recently, the Freewrite Traveler) because the numbers don't lie--I tend to write faster when I'm on a non-computer machine like my Alphasmart, or even my mechanical keyboard hooked up to my old iPad Mini.

But yesterday the procrastination was terrible, and so far today, it's been bad still. I wasted so much time on retail procrastination when there’s nothing I really need! (I was tempted by a sale on a gaming keyboard that I don’t need at all.)

I was feeling antsy so I took a long lunch and did some reading, and now I’m back at work.

I'll fall back on 4thewords even though I don't write as fast, simply because it will help me enjoy the writing a bit more. (Plus I got some new virtual battle gear from the special NaNo event that helps defeat monsters faster!)

I just have to remember to keep an “Alphasmart” mindset when I’m on 4thewords. Even though I can see more of the page on my computer or even my iPad Mini, I need to try not to edit, to just keep going.

Now that I think about it, the iPad Mini might be better because I’m less likely to open another web page (to check etymology or a thesaurus) since the iPad Mini tends to be slower.

I'm hoping that 4thewords will help me get work done even though I'm terribly distracted today. I don’t understand why today is so bad!


Things got a little better after I did my usual writer’s ritual of making tea, putting on my special playlist for this series, and putting on some aromatherapy. I may also have been in a more writerly mindset after reading for a couple hours and refilling the creative well.

I am working on my iPad Mini and it does seem to help limit distractions from the internet, plus I can use my really nice gaming keyboard, which feels fantastic to type on.

The writing is also going well because my blocking notes seem a bit more organized for this scene (as opposed to the last one) and it’s easier to write when the blocking is done well.


Today my procrastination was absolutely awful! It’s especially pathetic when I look at the hard numbers on Toggl about how many hours I actually worked.

I noticed that I didn’t check Facebook while I was working, but as soon as I took a break, I spent too much time online (retail procrastination and Facebook). I don’t know why I can’t keep my breaks shorter!

My biggest procrastination was earlier in the day, though. Maybe I need to go completely offline and get away from my desk completely, at least for the first sprint or two. I think I’ll try that on Monday.

Blocking: time spent: 0
Editing: Time spent: 0
Writing: Time spent: 3 hours, 4 minute
Writing: Total number of words: 3276 words
Writing: Average speed: 763 words per hour
Time spent doing other writing-related business: I forgot to start Toggl

My takeaway for today: To try to combat procrastination/distraction, go completely offline for the first sprint or two.


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