Day 176: Stress; retail procrastination

I'm rather disappointed I didn't get more work done yesterday, but I really just wasn't feeling very well. I also got a slow start yesterday, maybe because I'm used to not doing writing on Sundays. So I can't really blame it all on my IBS.

Today I feel better, so I'll be trying to write more today. I actually need to do some blocking first, and I want to also get some editing done because if I leave the editing for later, I think it will be difficult for me to do them. However, I'll do the blocking and writing first, since that's more important if I want to try to win NaNoWriMo.

Yesterday I wrote on the Alphasmart and got about 1500 words an hour. I've done better and I've done worse on the Alphasmart.

But in looking at my writing time log, I've also been able to do 1500 words per hour on I've also done better and worse on 4thewords.

So I don't know that writing on the Alphasmart is all that much better, and my typing is better on 4thewords since I can use my gaming keyboard. I think I'll try using 4thewords today and see how my writing pace will be. If I use my gaming keyboard on my iPad, I can use 4thewords but the iPad seems to keep me from checking email and Facebook since it's a little fiddly and slower to load the pages.


UGH! I really shouldn't have checked my email before writing, but I'm sort of glad I did since I came across something time-sensitive, but it's gotten me all twisted up. A stressful situation came up and I sent off an email to try to fix it, but I don't know if I'm in time. GAH!


Okay, whew! I was in time.

But I also spent too much time in retail procrastination! I ended up ordering another gaming keyboard, this one a bluetooth one that I can use with my iPad, since I've been writing on my iPad a lot lately. It allows me to write in 4thewords, but even though I could check Facebook and email, I find I just don't when I'm on my iPad.

I think the reason I spent time on retail procrastination (at least this time) was because I’ve been wanting this keyboard for a few weeks now. I was thinking about getting it but always decided not to. Now that it’s Black Friday week on Amazon and the price went down a little, I ended up deciding to get it.

I think that for some instances of retail procrastination, it’s because something has been on my mind for a while. I think in those cases, I need to simply MAKE A DECISION whether to buy something or not, whether I need it or not. If I make the decision not to buy it, then I don’t think about it anymore, whereas if I’m waffling on it, I’ll waste time like today wondering if I want to get something or not.

I got some writing done, but not as much as I wanted (mostly due to retail procrastination! UGH!).

I was going to work after dinner, but lately I've been really tired (plus today I'm a bit dehydrated since I forgot to drink enough water). So I think I'll go to bed early instead of staying up to write, even though I didn't get any actual writing done.

Blocking: time spent: 3 hours, 16 minutes
Editing: Time spent: 36 minutes
Writing: Time spent: 0
Writing: Total number of words: 0
Writing: Average speed: 0
Time spent doing other writing-related business: 2 hours, 23 minutes

My takeaway for today: Try to prevent retail procrastination by making a firm decision to buy or not buy something so that I don’t waste time waffling over it.


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