Day 175: Alphasmart writing

I don't usually write on Sundays, but I really want to win NaNoWriMo and so I did some writing today.

Except that I wasn't really all that productive with my writing, because I also had some things to do for the launch of volume 1 in my series. The ebook preorder went up today and after I got the link for it, I had to update my launch emails, my website, my Street Team email, and also submit the book for an ENT promo. I also got an email about a blog tour I'm doing in February, and I had to create landing pages to give the tour members copies of my book and also the two prequels, as well as order and send out paperback copies of the book to some of the tour members.

However, I got about an hour of writing done, and surprisingly my writing pace was pretty fast on the Alphasmart--about 1500 words per hour. I just don't know why I don't get that kind of speed on the Freewrite Traveler. It's hard to understand why the lag between typing and the words showing up on the screen affects me so much.

Well, I'm going to eat dinner now and hopefully get some more writing done afterward.


Actually I got bad IBS pains after dinner, so I went to bed.

Blocking: time spent: 0
Editing: Time spent: 0
Writing: Time spent: 58 minutes
Writing: Total number of words: 1481 words
Writing: Average speed: 1587 words per hour
Time spent doing other writing-related business: 3 hours, 9 minutes


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