Day 31: Plotting: the end is in sight ... maybe

Wow I just realized I’m almost done plotting my series! Volume 10 is the last planned volume.

However, I do have a side-story serial novel I want to plan out, which I had always intended to write. It’ll be an in-between volume, and I intend to post it on my blog as I write it. The events do impact the main storyline, but the main characters of the serial novel are not in my main series volumes. So after I finish plotting volume 10, I’ll also plot this serial novel out.

The serial novel will be quality content that will hopefully be entertaining to my blog readers and give new readers a taste of my writing style. When I was thinking about future marketing for this series, I realized that my strengths are not things like social media, but instead in writing content. I especially enjoy blogging. So I thought I’d write a serial novel as a marketing tool instead of making half-hearted efforts at marketing outlets that I don’t enjoy.

I spent some extra time with my husband over dinner. I’m okay with that since it’s important, but I don’t know what my total work hours today will be.


I’m finding that because I need to brainstorm much more for volume 10, Snowflake step 6 (expanded synopsis) is taking significantly longer. I feel a little unproductive since I’m not typing all that much and instead spending a lot of time thinking, but I don’t know any other way to come up with the story threads I need for this book.


I’m having a hard time coming up with some of these story threads, so I tried different methods of tactile stimulation to jump-start my brainstorming creativity. My go-to is eating snacks, but I ate 3 different snacks and got no ideas! Now I feel like a pig. I’m switching from spinning to knitting to see if that works.


I was not having any luck with brainstorming and ended up getting distracted (!!!) by starting a new knitting project for a skirt I’ve been wanting to make! I should have just listened to my gut and stopped working long before that point in order to sit and read a bit. I might have gotten back on track with my writing after an hour or two of refilling the creative well. Instead, for those two hours, I did knitting calculations, which is an entirely different area of my brain. I’m going to try to get back on track with my writing for a few more hours.


I think I’ll give up. I just can’t think of any good ideas at the moment.

Time spent writing: 4 hours, 28 minutes
Time spent doing other writing-related business: 20 minutes

My takeaway for today: Next time I feel antsy, I should just go with my gut and read a book. I might end up getting inspired or getting an idea for what I’m mulling over in my novel.


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