Day 57: Another short day because of my health

I stayed up late last night doing some category and keyword research for my series. It might seem early to be doing this, but it’s on my marketing To Do list, and doing it now will enable me to tag my current blog posts about my book, as well as saving me the time doing it later. But I only got 6 hours of sleep, and it’s taken me a while to get to work today. I’m starting on the spiritual and romantic arcs of my characters in the serial novel.


After talking about my increased writing stamina yesterday, today I have egg on my face because I’m stopping work early. I gave in to temptation and ate some things that set off my IBS, so now I’m feeling too uncomfortable to concentrate.

Time spent writing: 2 hours, 42 minutes
Time spent doing other writing-related business: 39 minutes

My takeaway for today: For all my improved discipline in my writing, I still can’t keep myself from eating crap.


Soooooo okay maybe I gave up too easily. After about half an hour, my IBS got better so I went back to work for another 80 minutes. Out of the six characters for whom I need to plot their spiritual and romantic arcs, I got two of them done today!

Updated time spent writing: 4 hours, 4 minutes
Time spent doing other writing-related business: 39 minutes


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