Day 38: Better posture but too much time on social media

I was pretty distracted today, but it was because the house was soooooo hot. I kept going to get more iced water and try to cool down, and sometimes I felt like I was in a sauna while standing in front of my computer.

But I don’t want to be the kind of writer who needs conditions to be perfect to write! That’s only a recipe for disaster! I have friends who write on their cell phones when they’re waiting in line, surely I can write when I’m at my ergonomic desk with tasty snacks!

Speaking of ergonomics, since I’m at my standing desk I haven’t had too many back problems, but then the other day I noticed a bit of tingling in my upper back. It’s an old problem that I went to a chiropractor for a few years ago, and it’s basically because I slouch too much.

So I started doing my exercises again and I also ordered a posture brace to remind me to keep better posture while I’m standing. It arrived yesterday and it’s been working great! It even makes my back feel better when I’m sitting at my kotatsu desk. I wish I’d thought of this during this past year when I was having those minor back problems!


I realized something really alarming today. Ever since I got back onto Facebook, I’m finding myself feeling curious about what’s going on in Facebook during the day! This is bad! I need to treat Facebook like my email and only go on once or twice a day!!!!!!


I started getting that tired, blank feeling in my brain but I wanted to push through for another hour. However, then I finished the characterization for one of the characters and it was a good place to stop. I’ll continue on the characterization tomorrow.

Time spent writing: 5 hours, 42 minutes
Time spent doing other writing-related business: 2 hours, 58 minutes (this includes an hour of reading marketing books and also some time doing marketing-related things, as well as increased time on social media now that I’ve gone back to Facebook.)

My takeaway for today: Ever since I got back onto Facebook, I’m finding myself feeling curious about what’s going on in Facebook during the day! This is bad! I need to treat Facebook like my email and only go on once or twice a day!!!!!!


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