Day 59: Next time, I should just take a sick day

I’m starting to feel like a complete loser because I keep cutting short my work time because of health issues. But my IBS is still bad today, and I’ve been noticing that I keep stopping work every 15-20 minutes because I’m distracted. The discomfort is probably what’s making it hard for me to focus.

I got a little more done on the spiritual and romantic arc of one of the six characters in my serial novel, but I’m still far from done. I’m stopping here and will go to bed early.

Time spent writing: 2 hours, 9 minutes
Time spent doing other writing-related business: I forgot to start my Toggl timer when checking email and social media today.

My takeaway for today: The next time I have health issues (which might be tomorrow) I should just take a sick day and maybe do other writing-related things.


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