Day 33: Distracted by taxes

I didn’t sleep all that deeply, but I woke up early, so one out of two isn’t bad. I don’t usually work well if I haven’t slept well, but I also don’t want to be the kind of writer who can’t work unless everything is absolutely perfect. So I’ll do my best today! I’m still working to finish Snowflake step 6 (expanded synopsis) on volume 10 of my series.


I realized I need to do taxes today, and originally I was going to finish Snowflake step 6 on volume 10, then work on my taxes. But as I’m trying to finish Snowflake step 6, I realized that I was too distracted thinking about my taxes.

I mentioned before that I need to clear the decks before I start work so that I don’t have any unfinished chores nagging at me, and apparently taxes fall into that, even though they’ll probably take a huge chunk out of my day. Sigh.

So my writing is on hold while I do our taxes.


WOW doing taxes took only 3.5 hours this year! That’s got to be a record! Well, that doesn’t include hubby checking it over and then us delivering it to our tax accountant. I think it took less time because I tried to record some of the entries throughout the year. That seems to be the way to go.

Now back to writing! If I’m lucky I’ll finish Snowflake step 6 on volume 10 today!


I spent about an hour doing retail procrastination because I was so happy to have gotten my taxes done. :)

When working on volume 10, I actually got some good ideas today, but I’m also really tired. Maybe from doing taxes? Anyway, I decided to cut the day short and pick up again tomorrow.

Time spent writing: 2 hours, 39 minutes
Time spent doing other writing-related business: 30 minutes

My takeaway for today: When there are other things I need to do, just do them first rather than trying to write first, because those things will distract me from the writing.


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